Ability ABA: Dallas ABA Therapy

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Advantages of In-Home ABA Therapy

Making decisions about the services your child is receiving can be overwhelming at times. If you are considering choosing an in-home ABA service provider, here are some of the benefits you can look forward to experiencing!

  1. Generalizability

    • A common difficulty with children with autism and other developmental and behavioral delays is difficulty applying learned skills in other contexts (known as generalization). For example, a child might follow directions with their class, but they need multiple reminders to do so when at home. Being able to move around the home and yard allows us to teach in a very naturalistic way that helps 

  2. Natural Environment

    • Many concerns parents have about their child’s behavior relate to their everyday routine in their homes. Many behaviors are often only seen in the home where the child is most comfortable (interactions with siblings and parents, transitions between activities, play skills). Some behaviors are most convenient to address in the home (night and morning routines, meal times, chores). By teaching these skills in the place they naturally occur, we make teaching more efficient. 

  3. Parent Involvement 

    • Being in the same location as the parent/caregiver for the entire session allows many opportunities for involvement by caregivers. The caregiver is able to observe the techniques being used and is often welcome to join in to practice these techniques first hand. Being able to observe how the therapist is working on skills is often far more beneficial than simply being told how to do it. Additionally, being close by during the entire session allows for many opportunities for open communication between the therapist and caregivers. Caregivers are able to ask or answer questions and contribute to their child’s progress with very little effort. 

  4. Access to Child’s Preferences

    • Parents know what toys and games their children love, and typically have their houses stocked up! This gives the therapist a wide variety of activities to use to motivate the child. It also allows the therapist to target specific play skills by using the things the child loves most.