Having Fun Together

Having fun together is a key part of your child’s learning. Why is increasing smiles and laughter so important to learning? The more fun your child has with you, the more they are attending and interacting. This translates into more opportunities for learning exchanges!

We also know that people generally attend to things they enjoy. If you become a frequent source of fun and pleasure, then your child will attend to you at other times, too. By looking to you for other opportunities for interaction, you increase engagement and occasions for natural learning.

Based on research, children with autism are less likely to experience natural reward in social interactions as other children. By increasing pleasure and fun in social interactions, you can increase the natural reward in social interaction for your child with autism. This is a key part of the Early Start Denver Model (ESDM), an early intervention approach we use for young children with autism spectrum disorder.

Social interactions also are an important way for us to learn from others. Children learn communication, language, play, and social skills from interaction with others. By increasing that “fun quotient” (FQ), you’re building opportunities for learning and success for your child.

Contact us today for any help on how to boost fun and learning through social interactions and play.

Ability ABA

Building strengths and skills across the lifespan
