Learning through Imitation

Just by watching others, we can learn what to do. Imitation is a very powerful learning tool! When I see you perform an action, I am able to imitate the same action immediately or later when you are not there. Imitation is one way that we teach children without intentional teaching – children learn so much by copying others around them, whether it is picking up new language or how to navigate social interactions.

With young children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), research has shown they are less likely to imitate words, actions, and gestures than other similarly-aged children. For children who have challenges with imitation, there is a lot of learning they may miss out on.

Although young children with autism may struggle with imitation, we know from research that imitation is a skill that can be learned. When we work with children through direct ABA therapy, we assess imitation and look to build those skills if there is a need. Once children learn imitation and begin to pay attention to others, there are more overall learning opportunities available.

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Building strengths and skills across the lifespan